5 boats out today…4 jet boats and 1 drift boat! Norm Klobetanz took Melanie Jacobs out today and she said “it was the best day ever!” She hooked 5 fish but was only able to land one–a 24 1/2″keeper! By the way, she was a last minute booking for the tournament…literally, she booked LAST NIGHT! So there is still room here and there if anyone is interested in going on WWB this year! Just give us a call!
Also in the Spring Bar section, Tony and Jeff took the Dawn Scarrow group! They had a terrific day and boated 5 fish in all! Dawn and Kathy McKinney both caught a 23″H each! Kelly Moyle caught 3 fish–23 1/2″H, 23″W, 22 1/2″H! These girls are already booked for next year!!
The Mike Wallace and Casey Green duo took the Sherri Potter crew upriver today, where they ended up with 13 fish for the day! Barbara Boyles caught a 26″H and Monica Cortez caught a 22 1/2″W fish! Nichole Parker caught two fish–a 24″H and a 23 1/2″H. Jeannie Sila also caught two fish–31 1/2″W, 25″H. Cindy Johnson caught 3 fish–25″H, 27 1/2″W, 23″H. Sherri Potter caught 4 fish–27″H, 24″H, 24″H, 25″W. Nice job ladies!! Hope we see you all again next year!
Next up we have some old family and RA friends of the Nadine Burak group! Nadine and I go back a ways and it’s always so nice to have her come up and go fishing with us!!! Their boat had a terrific day, boating 17 fish! Carol Lungren caught a 23″H and Lisa Greer caught a 26″H! Prudy Young caught two fish–a 30″H and a 23″H! Nadine and Sue Ryder both caught 4 fish today! Nadine’s: 30″W, 27″W, 27″H, 24″H; Sue’s: 23″H, 27″H, 20 1/4″H, 22″H! Sue’s 20 1/4″ fish just put her with the smallest fish caught so far in the tournament! By the way, if that measurement holds, Sue will receive a new rod and reel, courtesy of River Adventures, Inc.! See–even the little fish can win you something! And last but certainly not least, we have Theresa Hughes, who caught the most on this boat today with 5 fish in all! Her scores are: 26″H, 23″H, 25″H, 24″W, 23″H!! Way to go Theresa!!!

The beautiful smiles of Nadine Burak and Justin Whitten...and we think that fish might be smiling too!
Finally, we have Rich and Mike E. upriver with the Judy Bauer group! What a great bunch these gals are! Judy just happens to be our 2008 WWB Champion and she came ready to try and get that title back!! Elaine Derry caught a 28″W while Kerrigan Kalange caught a 23 1/2″ keeper! Tracy Malay caught 3 fish–22 1/2″H, 21″H, 25″W. Linda MacLeod and Judy Bauer both caught 4 fish today! Linda’s: 23″H, 26″H, 23″H, 25″H; Judy’s: 27″H, 28″H, 25″H, 28 1/2″W. Kalisa Karnes tried to go for it today and landed 6 fish! 6 fish is what Judy caught to win the 2008 tournament! Kalisa’s: 26″H, 30″w, 23″H, 26″H, 32 1/2″W, 24″H. We just wanted to add an honorable mention for Terri Simpson who didn’t catch a Steelhead, but she did catch a really nice Bull Trout that could have easily been recorded ‘cuz they said it was kind of a fatty!
BIGGEST FISH–(1)Angie Kelly, 35 1/4″; (2)Marsha Mead, 34″; (3)4 way TIE, all with a 33″ fish: Lisa Kessler, Stacey Francis, Erin Knutson, Roxanne Marshall.
Why is Estrada holding my fish for my picture?? Dang, talk about a moment stealer…….haha–only joking! Thanks for a great turnament this year, the fishing was killer. Hope to see you all soon,
Wow I just read back my first comment and now I wish you had spell check…….good thing you don’t have to be able to spell to enter the tournament…….sound it out Karnes!