Hi again everyone! Wow…just when I think we’re gettin’ comfortable, it just keeps getting better!!! Lots of boats out today with lots of news! I’ll get right to it!
First off, Norm Klobetanz was at it again with a couple of our local sweeties in a drift boat, Tawnya Folwell and Sonja Adams! Tawnya pulled in two fish today–a 24″H and a 29″H!! Nice job ladies for your first WWB EVER!!!! Thanks for coming out!
Then, Mike Hicks took a couple of really neat ladies out in his drift boat, who also brought a fish each in! By the way, I instantly fell in love with these two ladies!! Lisa Dockter is actually a doctor!! So of course, we sang all the favorites “Dr. Dr., give me the news” and on and on and on!! Meanwhile, Sandy is an author and a character all her own!! She wrote a book called “Don’t Feed the Dragon!”–a book for parents of tots thru teens. All of you Mom’s out there better run out and get a copy–this gal is a hoot!! Lisa caught a 21″H and Sandy hauled in a 30″W!
Next up we have the two-boat group of Bonnie McGraw and Theo Lowe! These ladies have been coming for years now and they both must have had the same numbers on their minds as each boat caught 8 fish each! We’ll start out with Mike Wallace and Brad Sawyer’s girls! Bonnie McGraw herself caught a 24 1/2″H; Tracy Horton caught a 29 1/4″H; Shanda McGraw caught a 29″W; Karen Schnake caught a 25″H; and Noel Jensen caught a 22″H! Stacey Cox caught three fish today–a 25″W, a 23 1/2″H and a 33 1/2″W! I love it when everyone on the boat catches a fish!! What a fun day for these girls!
Over on Rich and Mike E.’s boat, almost everyone got a fish here as well! Sara Hanson caught her very first Steelhead ever with a 28″ keeper! Sonya Christiansen caught a 27″W while Anita Christiansen had to try and outdo her with a 30″W fish! A little family rivalry doesn’t hurt anyone!! Theo Lowe caught two fish today–a 23 1/2″H and a 33 1/2″W. Theo’s sister LaJean Humphries caught three fish today–a 22″H, a 24″H and a 35″W!! That big fish puts LaJean into 2ND PLACE BIGGEST FISH! Theo said she and her sister especially had a wonderful time as they had a “double hook-up”–they both had a fish on at the same time!! They got lots of photos that they will be sending to their mom!! She’ll be so proud!
Meanwhile, downriver in the Spring Bar section, guide Tony Bradbury and bait boy Casey Green, have been having a really great year!! They are keeping up their momentum with the Ronda Paffile crew as they boated 12 fish today! All ladies caught a fish, which you know I love!! Young Kasey Koelling caught her first Steelhead EVER with a 32″H fish!! We are very excited to see Kasey out and joining us as she is autistic and Mom wasn’t quite sure what Kasey would think of all this fishing excitement! Well, I guess she got her answer as she’s obviously a natural angler!! Mom LeAnne (who also caught herself a 27″H!) said deckhand Casey was so wonderful with Kasey…I mean c’mon, they are bonded with the same cool name!! What a beautiful day for Kasey and what a priviledge for us to be able to spend it with her and her family!!! Sister Kelly Koelling didn’t do half bad herself with three fish for the day–a 28″W, 27 1/2″W and a 25″H!”
LeAnne’s sister, Elizabeth Stanton, who came all the way from ATLANTA, GEORGIA, just to fish WWB-caught a 23″W fish while Ronda Paffile caught two fish–a 27″H and a 33″H! Nice job ladies!! But Ronda’s daughter, Sami Paffile was looking for the big prize when she brought in 4 for the day! She caught a 31″W, a 24″H, a 33″W and a 31″H!! What a great day!!

Left to Right: Elizabeth Stanton, LeAnne Koelling, Kelly Koelling, Samantha Paffile, Ronda Paffile, Kasey Koelling. Guide Tony Bradbury!!
Well, I hope you all are sitting down!! I really wasn’t sure we’d see numbers like last year, but folks, I guess it’s always possible!! What a great day Sam Whitten and Jeff Wieber had with Kelly Martinez and pals! These girls have been coming for 4 years now from the Glenns Ferry area and have always had fun but never went home with any major prizes…I think their luck is about to change!! What an amazing day again!!! 25 fish in all for these ladies!! Jean Bybee caught a 24″H, Ami Packer caught a 23 1/2″H! Paula Riggs caught two fish–a 32″W and a 25″H! Three fish for LeAnn Schrader–32″H, 33″H, 32″W! Four fish EACH for both JJ Martell and Crystal Grigg! JJ: 32″W, 34″W, 30″W, 33″W; Crystal: 31 1/4″H, 23″H, 22 1/2″H, 30″H! But seriously…are you sitting down?? Better do it because I think this might just make you a little dizzy! Trip leader Kelly Martinez caught 10 FISH!!!! She’s our NEW LEADER FOR MOST FISH!! Her fish stats for the day: 22″H, 23″H, 31″W, 33″W, 27″H, 28″H, 31″W, 32″W, 22″H, 33 1/4″W (for a total of 282 1/4″ if anyone is counting!). I really never thought we’d see what we saw last year with Nikki Johnson catching 15…but this year we have 10 already! Holy Smokes Folks! This is just flat gettin’ good! Can it hold? You’ll just have to wait and see!

L to R: Ami Packer, Paula Riggs, Kelly Martinez, Crystal Grigg, Jean Bybee, LeAnne Schrader, JJ Martell, Sam Whitten.
MOST FISH–(1)Kelly Martinez, 10 fish=282 1/4″; (2)Marni Ocamica, 5 fish=137 1/2″; (3) Andrea Yoakum, 5 fish=136 1/2″
BIGGEST FISH–(1) Deb Jenkins, 35 1/2″; (2)LaJean Humphries, 35″; (3)Amy Cardenas, 34 1/2″;
SMALLEST FISH–Jill Ogburn, 20 1/2″
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