Greetings everyone! Only two boats on the water today and we woke up to about 4 1/2 inches of snow!! CRAZY IDAHO WEATHER! First out, we had Adrienne Dolph and crew from the Mountain Home area on board with Rich and Mike E.! Adrienne caught her very first Steelhead EVER today with a 33″W fish!! Mary Pat Bartlett caught a 22″ hatchery fish, while two more fish were caught on this boat today.
Over with Sam and Jeff, the Micalah Kimball group had a little better luck with 6 fish overall! Angelita Bramble caught a 30″H; Danielle Nelson caught a 29 1/4″W; Kari Harp caught a 33″W; and Angela Kelly caught a 22″H!! Micalah herself caught two fish–a 23 1/2″H and a 28 1/2″H! Congrats ladies!!
MOST FISH–(1)Kelly Martinez, 10 fish=282 1/4″; (2)Marni Ocamica, 5 fish=137 1/2″; (3) Andrea Yoakum, 5 fish=136 1/2″
BIGGEST FISH–(1) Deb Jenkins, 35 1/2″; (2)TIE: Teri Jacobsen, LaJean Humphries, Adri Hicks, Shari Kappel, 35″; (3) Amy Cardenas, 34 1/2″
SMALLEST FISH–Jill Ogburn, 20 1/2″
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