Hello again all you fisher-people! LeeAnn Jasper and crew came back and joined us again this year!! What a fun group of girls!! Only three fish for these ladies today as things really seemed to slow down upriver. Mike W. and Jeff tried hard to get ’em in the fish, but it was just flat slow today! Heidi Stutzman caught a 23 1/2″H while Rhonda Bartholomew caught two fish–a 24″H and a 31 1/2″W. See you next year girls!

LeeAnn Jasper's crew battling some snow...but check out those FISHIN' CHIX boots!! For more information on an outstanding WOMEN'S FISHING organization, go to www.fishinchix.com!
Over on Rich and Mike E.’s boat, same story–only three fish for these ladies as well The guides REALLY hate it when it gets like this. Unfortunately, sometimes when the weather does it’s crazy stuff, the fish seem to react like we do…put on a sweater and snuggle in for awhile…rather than gettin’ frisky and biting the hook! One of my favorite groups of ladies came today to go with Rich and Mike…Ruth Gibson, Carla Armentrout, Laurie Draper, Becki Hebert, Lydia Aguirre and Marylin Johnson–some of the most beautiful and sweet ladies you’ll ever meet! Thank you ladies for always coming back and always being your wonderful selves!! Marylin Johnson caught a 33 1/2″W fish while Ruth herself caught two fish–a 27 1/2″W and a 28″W! Ruth won the biggest fish for 2006 WWB and they are still coming back year after year!! And they’re already booked for 2012!!
Over on Sam and DUB’s boat, Sarah Murray and the Jackson Oil team gave it their best and were able to bring in 5 fish today! Angela Garrard caught a 32″W while Danni Dew (last year’s big fish winner) caught two fish–a 24″H and a 25″H! Karla Zacher caught two fish as well–a 24″H and a 30 1/2″W fish! Thanks ladies…another great group that come back every year! We sure do appreciate you!
Downriver on Tony and Casey’s boat, we welcome Heather Tramp and company as they brought in the most fish for the day with 8! Laurie Gurske caught a 28″H and Paula Shults caught a 25″H! Cathy Saunders caught two fish–a 23″H and a 31″H! But Heather took home the big prize on this boat with 4 fish overall! She caught the following: a 22 1/2″H, a 24″W, a 24 1/2″W and a 24″H! Way to go ladies!!!
MOST FISH–(1)Kelly Martinez, 10 fish=282 1/4″; (2)Marni Ocamica, 5 fish=137 1/2″; (3) Andrea Yoakum, 5 fish=136 1/2″
BIGGEST FISH–(1) Deb Jenkins, 35 1/2″; (2)TIE: Teri Jacobsen, LaJean Humphries, Adri Hicks, Shari Kappel, 35″; (3) Amy Cardenas, 34 1/2″
SMALLEST FISH–Jill Ogburn, 20 1/2″
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