Hey folks!  So Rich just got home with today’s catch records and I thought I’d better update ya’ll again…since we have changes…again!

Today, our favorite girls from the Idaho State Fish and Game offices came to visit!  No…they didn’t come to check the fish…they came to CATCH THE FISH!  Michelle Kemner brings two boat loads of ladies every year and they always have such a fun time!!  They caught some fish today so let’s get right to the records!

On Rich and Mike E.’s boat, Michelle and crew were hard at it!  Only 6 fish overall for this boat, but we do have a position change!  Michelle herself caught two fish–a 28″W and a 32 1/2″H!  Katie Powell caught a 32″W!  Linda Gould caught three fish today!!  20 1/2″H, 33 1/2″H and a 36 1/2″W!  Linda is now in 2nd PLACE BIGGEST FISH!!

Linda Gould with a 36 1/2"W fish!!!

Over on Sam’s boat, he and Jeff Wieber had the 2nd boat of this crew and boy did they make a killing! 21 fish in all for these girls with two girls getting 5 fish each!  And one girl changing things up too…but you know I always save the biggest news for last!  Christa Braun caught a 22 1/2″H!  Kim Thompson caught three fish–29 1/2″H, 29 1/4″H, 32″W!  Cherie Barton and Kathy Reynolds caught five fish each!!  Cherie–24″H, 31 1/2″W, 23 1/2″H, 24″H, 32 3/4″W! Kathy–31″W, 24″H, 31 1/2″W, 36″W, 23″H!!  Kathy is now in 3RD PLACE BIGGEST FISH!!  But finally, you know I have to report the news and it’s again, a changer!!  Karen Frank is now our new 2ND PLACE MOST FISH LEADER with 7 FISH!!  Her scores: 33 1/4″W, 25″H, 24 1/2″H, 31″W, 25 1/2″H, 22 1/2″H, 24 1/2″H!!  Congratulations Karen!!  And thanks to the Idaho Fish and Game…for not only helping to preserve and flourish an amazing fishery here on the Salmon, but for also sending some of these amazing ladies who work for you up to us to enjoy their hard work!


MOST FISH–(1)Kelly Martinez, 10 fish=282 1/4″; (2)Karen Frank, 7 fish=186 1/4″; (3) Shelley Rambo, 6 fish=191 1/2″

BIGGEST FISH–(1) Carole Clements, 38 1/2″; (2):Linda Gould, 36 1/2″; (3)Kathy Reynolds, 36″

SMALLEST FISH–Debbie Wagner, 20 1/4″