Hey ya’ll!!  Two boats out today and both upriver!!  First out, we had Rich and Mike E. with the Animal Kingdom Taxidermy girls!!  These ladies represent the company that provides our 1ST PLACE BIGGEST FISH fish mount every year!  Craig does phenomenal work…it’s truly beautiful–we’ve got one on our own wall matter of fact!  Check it out at the check in table in the mornings ladies because you will drool over his craftsmanship!!  Anyway, let’s get back to the fishing!  My long-lost high school buddy Jill Gossi-Huddleston caught a 28 1/2″W fish–I believe this was her first Steelhead so congratulations to her!!  Next up, her sister-in-law DeeDee Gossi caught a 33 1/2″W fish and friend Stefani Bennet was right behind her with a matching 33 1/2″W!  Angie Rimmer caught two fish today–a 23 1/2″W and a 23 1/2″H!  Way to go girls and thank you Craig for providing us such spectacular memories we can put up on our wall!!!  If you’d like to have some of the finest taxidermy around, contact Craig Derrick at Animal Kingdom Taxidermy in Cascade, Idaho, at 208-382-6074 or 208-382-3366!  He can also be contacted by email: [email protected] .

With Mike W. and Jeff Wieber, we had Lisa Stevens and friends!  They boated 13 fish today!  Katie Kilgrow caught a 31″H; Teresa Garvey caught a 32″H; Megan Starr-Gepford also caught a 31″ fish today–a wild one!  Jamie Simpson caught a 22 1/2″H and Janet Starr caught two fish–a 29″W and a 30″W!  Sheryl Putnam caught three fish today–a 22″H, a 33″W, and a 28 1/2″W!!  But Lisa Stevens was on a roll with four fish today!!  Her numbers: 32 1/2″W, 34 1/2″W, 24″H, 29″H!  Boy these ladies are all catching some nice, big fish this year!!  What fun!!!


MOST FISH–(1)Kelly Martinez, 10 fish=282 1/4″; (2)Karen Frank, 7 fish=186 1/4″; (3) Shelley Rambo, 6 fish=191 1/2″

BIGGEST FISH–(1) Carole Clements, 38 1/2″; (2):Linda Gould, 36 1/2″; (3)Kathy Reynolds, 36″

SMALLEST FISH–Debbie Wagner, 20 1/4″