Only one boat of ladies out today…Debbie Livesay and friends! They had a nice day with 9 fish in all! Debbie herself caught a 30″W; Alita Svaty caught a 34″W; Anne Aschenbrener caught a 32″W; Judy Gammill caught a 31 1/2″H! Sheryl Raines caught two fish today–a 24″H, a 28″W! And Zoe Ann Greenfield caught three fish today!! 22 1/2″H, 31″H, 27″H!
MOST FISH–(1)Kelly Martinez, 10 fish=282 1/4″; (2)Karen Frank, 7 fish=186 1/4″; (3) Shelley Rambo, 6 fish=191 1/2″
BIGGEST FISH–(1) Carole Clements, 38 1/2″; (2):Linda Gould, Jenny Buckner, Billie Jean Eckhardt, 36 1/2″; (3)Kathy Reynolds,Lorie Forbus, 36″
SMALLEST FISH–Debbie Wagner, 20 1/4″
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