Michelle Jarrard CrewWWB Update:

Hello Ladies,

Results are in for dates 2/8 – 2/10.  A total of 10 Tournament boats went out, yielding a generous 43 fish for the 3 days (16W, 27H).

Congratulations to Karen Roberts (Guide: Rich Friend, Deckhand: Mike Estrada, Location: Spring Bar) who caught a 33”H fish, putting her in the lead for “Biggest Fish”.

Chelsea Hough (Guide: Sam Whitten,  Deckhand: Justin Whitten, Location: Hammer Creek) took the lead for “Most Fish” with a total of 4 fish (1W, 3H) caught for the day.

Terri Simpson Beautiful Wild Fish 02-08-13

Mary Wilcomb and Friends

This is where we now stand:

Karen Roberts 33 Fish small

Biggest Fish:

1st Place: Karen Roberts (33″)

2nd Place: Mackenzie Woods (32″)

3rd Place: Katie Wood (31″)


Most Fish:

1st Place: Chelsea Hough (4 fish)

2nd Place: Judy Bauer (3 fish-68 inches total)

3rd Place: Mackenzie Woods: (3 fish-59 inches total)

Dawn and Dave Coolbaugh Small








Click Here to view catch records for all Tournament Participants

Note: Idaho Fish and Game will not permit Wild Fish to be measured.  For this reason, only  Hatchery fish will be included in determining total inches.