Hello Ladies. — We had Great Fishing Tournament this year and would like to shout out “THANK YOU” for such a Great Season….. All the Guides and Deckhands just wanted to say that it was a pleasure fishing with all of you ladies… so Thanks again and we hope to see you next year…
Note: If you fished on any day and have a picture you want posted to the website, Please send it to [email protected], Subject “WWB Picture”, and we will get it added to your Blog date. Hey Prize Winners… We need pictures of you also….
Well, the Last two days of fishing yielded numerous fish but did not break the current records. The Fish Dance was a huge success and we hope everyone had a great time…
Here are the Final Results.
Biggest Fish:
1st Place: Kat Whittaker (34 ½ “)
2nd Place: Doloras (34 1/4″ )
3nd Place: Hazel Thompson , Laurie Gurske and Angie Dick (34”)
4th Place: Paige Weast, (33.5″)
Most Fish:
1st Place: Marcia Davis (5 Fish/52.5 Total Hatchery inches)
2nd Place: Tish Davis (5 Fish/52 Total Hatchery inches)
3rd Place: Kathy Reynolds (4 Fish/105.5 Total Hatchery inches)
4th Place Angie Mcfadden ( 4 Fish /95 Total Hatchery inches)
Click Here to view catch records for all Tournament Participants
Note: Idaho Fish and Game will not permit Wild Fish to be measured. For this reason, only Hatchery fish will be included in determining total inches.
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