What a difference a week makes! Look at this! Dang! We have some more winners this week and can’t wait to draw for some bigger prizes at fish dance!


Our Third Week WINNERS are:
Heather Gamble – $50 Off a stay at Big Iron Motel in Riggins
Kelly Martinez- $10 Gift Card for Tourist Trap Consignment & Your One Stop Gift Shop.
Tonya Fillmore – $10 Gift Card for River Adventures/Canyon Graphics.
Cathryn Billman –  $10 Gift Card to Canyon Creamery.



Thank you to:

Mountain River Outdoor Center – Riggins, ID

Salmon Rapids Lodge – Riggins, ID

River Adventures – Riggins, ID

Canyon Graphics – Riggins, ID

Canyon Creamery – Riggins, ID

Big Iron Motel – Riggins, ID

Riggins Whitewater Market  – Riggins, ID

Riggins Motel – Riggins, ID

Tourist Trap Consignment & Your One Stop Gift Shop-Riggins, ID